what to do with a narcissistic mother
It can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience to have a narcissistic mother. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a constant need for attention and admiration. A narcissistic mother may exhibit these traits in various ways, making it challenging for her children to have a healthy relationship with her.
Growing up with a narcissistic mother can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. In this article, we will explore the effects of having a narcissistic mother, how to cope with such a mother, and what steps can be taken to heal from the experience.
Effects of Having a Narcissistic Mother
1. Low self-esteem: A narcissistic mother often belittles her children and makes them feel inadequate. This can lead to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in oneself. Children of narcissistic mothers may struggle with self-doubt and constantly seek validation from others.
2. Difficulty expressing emotions: Children of narcissistic mothers may find it challenging to express their emotions as they have been taught that their feelings are not important. They may suppress their emotions or struggle to identify and communicate their feelings effectively.
3. Inability to set boundaries: Narcissistic mothers often have no respect for boundaries and may intrude on their children’s personal space and privacy. As a result, children of narcissistic mothers may have difficulty setting boundaries in their relationships and may struggle with asserting themselves.
4. People-pleasing behavior: In an effort to gain their mother’s approval, children of narcissistic mothers may develop people-pleasing behaviors. They may constantly try to please others, even at the expense of their own well-being.
5. Fear of abandonment: Narcissistic mothers often manipulate their children by threatening to withdraw love and affection. This can leave a lasting impact, and children may develop a fear of abandonment, leading them to stay in toxic relationships in fear of being left behind.
6. Trust issues: Children of narcissistic mothers may have a hard time trusting others. This is because they have been let down by their own mother, who was supposed to be their primary caregiver and source of love and support.
7. Difficulty forming healthy relationships: Growing up with a narcissistic mother can make it challenging for children to develop healthy relationships. They may have a distorted view of what a healthy relationship looks like and may struggle with intimacy and vulnerability.
8. Emotional detachment: In some cases, children of narcissistic mothers may become emotionally detached as a coping mechanism. They may distance themselves from their emotions to protect themselves from the pain caused by their mother’s behavior.
9. Constant need for validation: Due to their upbringing, children of narcissistic mothers may constantly seek validation and approval from others. They may feel that they are not enough and need others to validate their worth.
10. Mental health issues: The constant criticism, emotional abuse, and invalidation from a narcissistic mother can have a severe impact on a child’s mental health. They may develop anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues as a result of their upbringing.
Coping with a Narcissistic Mother
1. Set boundaries: It is essential to set boundaries with a narcissistic mother. Be clear about what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Stick to these boundaries and do not let your mother manipulate or guilt-trip you into crossing them.
2. Practice self-care: It is crucial to take care of yourself while dealing with a narcissistic mother. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being.
3. Seek support: It can be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Having a support system can help you cope with the challenges of having a narcissistic mother and provide a safe space to express your feelings.
4. Set realistic expectations: It is essential to have realistic expectations when it comes to your relationship with your narcissistic mother. Accept that she may never change and that you cannot control her behavior. Focus on managing your own emotions and reactions.
5. Practice assertiveness: It is crucial to learn how to assert yourself and stand up for yourself when dealing with a narcissistic mother. This can help you set boundaries and communicate your needs effectively.
6. Avoid engaging in arguments: Narcissistic mothers thrive on conflict and may try to engage you in arguments to get a reaction. It is best to avoid getting into arguments with them and to disengage when they try to provoke you.
7. Develop a support system: Having a strong support system can help you cope with the challenges of having a narcissistic mother. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and who can provide a safe space for you to express your feelings.
Healing from the Experience
Healing from the experience of having a narcissistic mother can be a long and challenging process. Here are some steps that can help you on your journey towards healing:
1. Acknowledge your feelings: It is essential to acknowledge and validate your feelings. Growing up with a narcissistic mother can cause a lot of pain, and it is crucial to allow yourself to feel and process these emotions.
2. Practice self-compassion: Be kind and compassionate towards yourself. Recognize that you are not to blame for your mother’s behavior and that you deserve love and happiness.
3. Seek therapy: Therapy can be immensely helpful in healing from the trauma of having a narcissistic mother. A therapist can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to process your emotions and work through any unresolved issues.
4. Learn healthy coping mechanisms: It is crucial to develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the impact of having a narcissistic mother. This can include mindfulness, journaling, or engaging in creative activities.
5. Set boundaries: As you heal, it is essential to continue setting boundaries with your mother. This may mean limiting contact, setting rules for communication, or even cutting off contact if necessary for your well-being.
Final Thoughts
Having a narcissistic mother can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. It is crucial to acknowledge and validate the pain caused by this experience, and to seek support and healing. Remember that you are not responsible for your mother’s behavior, and you deserve love and happiness. With self-care, therapy, and setting boundaries, it is possible to heal and move forward from the experience of having a narcissistic mother.
is wattpad deleting stories
Is Wattpad Deleting Stories?
In recent times, the online writing community has been buzzing with rumors and concerns about stories being deleted on Wattpad, one of the largest platforms for writers and readers. Wattpad, founded in 2006, has gained immense popularity over the years, allowing writers to share their stories with a global audience. However, the fear of losing one’s hard work has left many authors anxious and questioning the platform’s policies. In this article, we will delve into the topic and explore whether Wattpad is indeed deleting stories.

To understand the situation better, it is essential to first grasp the basic functioning of Wattpad. The platform allows writers to post their stories in various genres, from romance and science fiction to mystery and fantasy. Readers can then access these stories for free, interact with the authors, and provide feedback. This unique setup has attracted millions of users, making Wattpad a thriving community for writers and readers alike.
However, in recent months, numerous authors have reported their stories disappearing from Wattpad’s platform. These incidents have sparked concerns among writers, who fear losing their dedicated readership and the recognition they have gained through their works. The reasons behind these alleged deletions have been a topic of debate within the community, with various theories and speculations emerging.
One of the primary reasons often cited for story deletion on Wattpad is the violation of content guidelines. Wattpad has a set of rules and policies that writers must follow to ensure a safe and positive environment for all users. These guidelines prohibit the posting of explicit adult content, hate speech, harassment, and plagiarism. If a story is reported for violating these guidelines, Wattpad’s moderation team reviews the report and takes appropriate action, which may include deleting the story.
While content guideline violations are a valid reason for story removal, some authors claim that their stories were deleted without any violation. This has led to accusations against Wattpad of arbitrary censorship and unfair treatment towards certain genres or authors. However, it is essential to note that Wattpad, like any other platform, has the right to enforce its guidelines, and its moderation team’s decisions might not always align with individual authors’ perspectives.
Another aspect that needs to be considered is Wattpad’s ongoing efforts to combat plagiarism. With millions of stories uploaded on the platform, instances of plagiarism are bound to occur. To address this issue, Wattpad employs advanced algorithms and human moderators to identify and remove plagiarized content. While this is a necessary measure to protect original authors, it has inadvertently led to some legitimate stories being flagged as plagiarized and subsequently deleted.
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Wattpad’s terms of service state that the platform has the right to remove or modify any content at its discretion. This clause grants Wattpad the authority to delete stories that may not necessarily violate content guidelines but are deemed inappropriate or irrelevant by the platform. Although this gives Wattpad control over the content hosted on its platform, it also puts authors at risk of losing their work without prior notice or explanation.
To address the concerns of its users, Wattpad has made efforts to improve transparency and communication regarding story removals. The platform now provides clearer guidelines on what content is allowed and not allowed, helping writers understand the boundaries they need to respect. Additionally, Wattpad has introduced a system that notifies authors when their stories are flagged for potential violations, allowing them the opportunity to rectify any issues before their stories are deleted.
Despite these measures, some authors argue that Wattpad’s content guidelines are too vague and open to interpretation, which can lead to inconsistent enforcement. They believe that the platform should provide more specific guidelines to help writers create content that adheres to Wattpad’s standards. This would not only reduce the instances of accidental violations but also ensure that authors have a better understanding of what is acceptable on the platform.
In conclusion, while there have been instances of stories being deleted on Wattpad, it is important to recognize that there are valid reasons behind these actions. Content guideline violations, plagiarism concerns, and Wattpad’s discretion in moderating its platform all contribute to story removals. However, the platform has also taken steps to improve transparency and communication with its users, aiming to address the concerns of authors more effectively. Moving forward, it is crucial for Wattpad to strike a balance between enforcing its guidelines and fostering a supportive environment for its diverse community of writers and readers.
como eliminar mensajes de instagram
En la era digital actual, las redes sociales se han convertido en una parte integral de nuestras vidas. Instagram , una de las plataformas más populares, nos permite compartir fotos y mensajes con nuestros amigos y seguidores. Sin embargo, a veces nos arrepentimos de enviar un mensaje y nos gustaría borrarlo. Afortunadamente, Instagram nos proporciona opciones para eliminar mensajes de nuestra bandeja de entrada. En este artículo, exploraremos diferentes métodos para eliminar mensajes de Instagram y cómo hacerlo de manera efectiva.
Antes de sumergirnos en los detalles, es importante entender cómo funciona la función de mensajes en Instagram. Cuando envías un mensaje a alguien en Instagram, se guarda en la bandeja de entrada del destinatario. A diferencia de otras aplicaciones de mensajería, como WhatsApp , Instagram no te permite eliminar mensajes de manera individual en la bandeja de entrada de otra persona. Solo puedes eliminar los mensajes de tu propia bandeja de entrada. Esto significa que el mensaje aún permanecerá en el teléfono de la otra persona a menos que lo elimine manualmente.
Ahora que tenemos una comprensión básica del funcionamiento de los mensajes de Instagram, veamos los diferentes métodos para eliminar mensajes.
1. Eliminar mensajes individualmente:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve a la bandeja de entrada de mensajes.
– Encuentra el mensaje que deseas eliminar y mantén presionado sobre él.
– Aparecerá un menú emergente con opciones, selecciona “Eliminar”.
2. Eliminar conversaciones completas:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve a la bandeja de entrada de mensajes.
– Mantén presionada la conversación que deseas eliminar.
– Aparecerá un menú emergente con opciones, selecciona “Eliminar”.

3. Desactivar la función de mensajes directos:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve a tu perfil.
– Haz clic en el menú de configuración en la esquina superior derecha.
– Desplázate hacia abajo y selecciona “Privacidad”.
– Busca la opción “Mensajes” y desactívala.
4. Archivar conversaciones:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve a la bandeja de entrada de mensajes.
– Desliza el dedo hacia la izquierda en la conversación que deseas archivar.
– La conversación se archivará y ya no estará visible en tu bandeja de entrada.
5. Bloquear a un usuario:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve al perfil del usuario que deseas bloquear.
– Haz clic en el menú de configuración en la esquina superior derecha.
– Selecciona “Bloquear” en el menú emergente.
6. Eliminar mensajes de grupo:
– Abre la aplicación de Instagram y ve a la conversación de grupo.
– Mantén presionado el mensaje que deseas eliminar.
– Aparecerá un menú emergente, selecciona “Eliminar”.
7. Eliminar mensajes en la versión web:
– Abre Instagram en tu navegador web y ve a la bandeja de entrada de mensajes.
– Encuentra el mensaje que deseas eliminar y haz clic en el icono de tres puntos.
– Selecciona “Eliminar” en el menú emergente.
8. Utilizar aplicaciones de terceros:
– Hay varias aplicaciones disponibles en las tiendas de aplicaciones que te permiten eliminar mensajes de Instagram de manera más eficiente. Estas aplicaciones generalmente ofrecen funciones adicionales, como eliminar todos los mensajes de una vez o programar la eliminación de mensajes.
9. Contactar a Instagram:
– Si has enviado un mensaje que deseas eliminar de manera urgente, puedes contactar al soporte de Instagram y solicitar su ayuda. Aunque esto puede llevar tiempo y esfuerzo, puede ser una opción si realmente necesitas eliminar un mensaje de forma rápida.
10. Tener precaución antes de enviar mensajes:
– La mejor manera de evitar arrepentirse de enviar un mensaje es tener precaución y pensar dos veces antes de enviarlo. Antes de hacer clic en enviar, considera si realmente deseas enviar ese mensaje y si podría causar algún problema o arrepentimiento posterior.

En conclusión, eliminar mensajes de Instagram puede ser una tarea sencilla si sigues los métodos adecuados. Aunque no puedes eliminar mensajes directamente de la bandeja de entrada de otra persona, puedes eliminarlos de tu propia bandeja de entrada para evitar verlos. Además, puedes desactivar la función de mensajes directos o bloquear a usuarios no deseados para evitar recibir mensajes no deseados. Recuerda tener precaución antes de enviar mensajes y pensar en las posibles consecuencias antes de hacer clic en enviar. Utiliza los métodos mencionados anteriormente y disfruta de una experiencia de mensajería más segura y tranquila en Instagram.