how to tell if someone is cheating over text
Cheating is a sensitive and complex issue that can occur in any type of relationship. With the rise of technology and the widespread use of smartphones, it has become easier for individuals to engage in infidelity through text messages. Texting allows people to communicate with each other without being physically present, making it a convenient method for cheating. However, it is not always easy to tell if someone is cheating over text. In this article, we will discuss the signs that can help you determine if your partner is cheating on you through text messages.
1. A sudden increase in texting activity
One of the first signs of cheating over text is a sudden increase in texting activity. If your partner is spending more time texting than usual, it could be a sign that they are engaging in an emotional or physical affair. Cheating requires communication, and text messaging is a discreet and convenient way to maintain contact with the other person. So, if you notice your partner being glued to their phone and responding to texts more frequently than usual, it could be a red flag.
2. Excessive secrecy with their phone
Another sign of cheating over text is when your partner becomes overly secretive with their phone. They might suddenly change their phone’s password, keep their phone with them at all times, or even leave the room to take calls or respond to texts. This behavior can indicate that they are hiding something from you, and it could very well be a secret affair.
3. Frequent texting with a particular person
If you notice your partner constantly texting someone, especially at odd hours, it could be a sign of cheating. The person they are texting could be their lover, and they might be using text messages to communicate and plan their rendezvous. It is also a cause for concern if your partner is hesitant to reveal the identity of the person they are constantly texting.
4. Changes in texting behavior
Cheating can cause a shift in your partner’s texting behavior. They might start using more emojis, flirtatious language, and even code words to communicate with their lover. These changes might be subtle, but if you pay attention, you can notice them. If you have been in a relationship for a while, you are likely familiar with your partner’s texting style, and any sudden change should raise a red flag.
5. Texting during inappropriate times
If your partner is cheating, they might text their lover at inappropriate times, such as during dinner, while out with friends, or even while spending quality time with you. They might excuse themselves to go to the bathroom or step outside to take a call, but in reality, they are responding to their lover’s messages. This behavior is a clear sign of cheating, and you should pay attention to it.
6. Constantly deleting text messages
Deleting text messages is a common tactic used by cheaters to cover their tracks. If your partner is deleting their text messages regularly, it could be a sign that they are hiding something from you. They might even delete their entire message history with a particular person to avoid getting caught. If you notice your partner being overly conscious of their text message history, it could be an indication of cheating.
7. Lack of interest in physical intimacy
A sudden lack of interest in physical intimacy can be a sign of cheating over text. If your partner is getting their emotional and physical needs met elsewhere, they might not be interested in being intimate with you. They might even use texting as a way to fulfill their needs, making them less interested in being physically intimate with you.
8. Secretive behavior
Cheating requires secrecy, and your partner might exhibit secretive behavior if they are having an affair. They might hide their phone or keep it face down to prevent you from seeing any suspicious text messages. They might also be hesitant to leave their phone unattended in your presence. All of these behaviors are signs that your partner is hiding something from you.
9. Excessive defensiveness
If you confront your partner about their texting behavior, they might become overly defensive. They might accuse you of invading their privacy or make excuses for their behavior. They might also try to turn the situation around and make you feel guilty for doubting them. Excessive defensiveness could be a sign that your partner is trying to hide something from you.
10. Gut feeling
Sometimes, our intuition can tell us when something is not right. If you have a gut feeling that your partner is cheating over text, it is worth paying attention to it. While it is not always accurate, your intuition can pick up on subtle cues that you might have missed. If you have a gut feeling that something is off, it is worth investigating further to put your mind at ease.
What to do if you suspect your partner is cheating over text
If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it is natural to feel hurt, angry, and betrayed. However, it is essential to handle the situation calmly and rationally. Confronting your partner without any evidence can backfire, and they might deny everything or accuse you of being paranoid. It is best to gather evidence before confronting your partner. You can do this by checking their phone when they are not around or hiring a professional to retrieve deleted text messages.
Once you have gathered evidence, it is important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Express your concerns and let them know how their actions have made you feel. Give them a chance to explain themselves, and listen to what they have to say. If they admit to cheating, it is up to you to decide if you want to work on your relationship or end it. If they deny everything, you might need to seek couples therapy to address any underlying issues in your relationship.
In conclusion, cheating over text is a common form of infidelity that can cause immense pain and damage to a relationship. While it is not always easy to tell if someone is cheating over text, the signs mentioned in this article can help you determine if your partner is engaging in an affair. It is essential to trust your instincts and handle the situation with care and sensitivity. Remember that communication and honesty are key to a healthy and strong relationship.
how to tell if someone blocked you on imessages
iMessage is a popular messaging platform used by millions of people worldwide. It allows users to send text messages, photos, videos, and other multimedia content to their contacts who also have iMessage. However, just like any other messaging app, there may come a time when you wonder if someone has blocked you on iMessage. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a colleague, being blocked on iMessage can leave you with a lot of questions and uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the signs that can help you determine if someone has blocked you on iMessage.
But before we dive into the details, let’s first understand how blocking works on iMessage. When you block someone on iMessage, it means that the person will no longer be able to contact you through the app. This includes sending you messages, making phone or video calls, or seeing when you are online. The person will not receive any notification that they have been blocked, but they may notice that their messages are not getting delivered to you.

Now, let’s look at the signs that can indicate someone has blocked you on iMessage.
1. Your messages turn green
iMessage uses blue bubbles to indicate that the message has been sent through the app, while green bubbles indicate that the message has been sent as a regular text message. If you usually have iMessage conversations with someone, but suddenly your messages turn green, it could be a sign that they have blocked you. This happens because when someone blocks you on iMessage, the app will try to send your messages as regular texts, and thus they will appear green.
2. You can’t see the person’s online status
One of the ways to tell if someone has blocked you on iMessage is by checking their online status. When you open a conversation with someone on iMessage, you will usually see a small indicator that shows if the person is online or when they were last active. If the person has blocked you, this information will not be visible to you anymore.
3. Your calls go straight to voicemail
If you try to call someone on iMessage, and the call goes straight to voicemail every time, it could be a sign that you have been blocked. When someone blocks you on iMessage, they will also not receive any notifications about missed calls or voicemails from you.
4. You can’t see the person’s profile picture
Another sign that someone has blocked you on iMessage is that you can no longer see their profile picture. When someone blocks you, their profile picture will be replaced with a grey silhouette. This means that if you have a conversation with someone on iMessage and you can no longer see their profile picture, it could be a sign that you have been blocked.
5. You can’t add the person to a group chat
If you try to add someone to a group chat on iMessage, and their name appears in red, it means that you cannot add them to the group. This can happen if the person has blocked you or if they have turned off their iMessage notifications. However, if you can add other people to the group, and only the person you suspect has blocked you appears in red, it is likely that they have blocked you.
6. Your messages remain undelivered
When someone blocks you on iMessage, your messages will not be delivered to them. This means that you will see a single grey tick next to your sent message, indicating that it has not been delivered. However, it’s worth noting that there could be other reasons why your message is not delivered, such as a network issue or the person’s phone being turned off. So, it’s always best to try sending a message at a different time or to a different contact to confirm if the issue is with your iMessage or not.
7. You can’t start a new conversation
If you try to start a new conversation with someone on iMessage, and you can’t find their name or contact in the app, it could be a sign that you have been blocked. When someone blocks you, their name and number will no longer appear in your contacts, and you won’t be able to send them messages.
8. Your previous conversations are missing
When someone blocks you on iMessage, your previous conversations with them will be missing from the app. This includes all the messages, photos, and other media content exchanged between the two of you. However, this doesn’t happen in all cases, as the person may have only deleted the conversation, or you may have accidentally deleted it yourself. So, it’s essential to consider other signs as well before concluding that you have been blocked.
9. You get a “Not Delivered” error message
If you are sending a message to someone on iMessage, and you receive an error message saying “Not Delivered,” it could be a sign that the person has blocked you. However, this message can also appear if the person’s phone is turned off or if there is a network issue. So, it’s best to check with other contacts if they are experiencing the same issue before jumping to conclusions.
10. You have been blocked on other social media platforms

Lastly, if you suspect that someone has blocked you on iMessage, you can also check other social media platforms to confirm your doubts. If the person has also blocked you on other platforms, such as WhatsApp , facebook -parental-controls-guide”>Facebook Messenger, or Instagram, it’s likely that they have also blocked you on iMessage.
In conclusion, there are several signs that can indicate someone has blocked you on iMessage. However, it’s essential to consider all the possibilities and not jump to conclusions based on one sign alone. It’s always best to try reaching out to the person through other means, such as calling them or contacting them through social media, to confirm if you have been blocked. And if you have indeed been blocked, it’s best to respect the person’s decision and not try to contact them through other means.